Rising star

Eddie has really enjoyed his first year of wood turning. So much so he bought a lathe from the Harrogate show in November and joined the Association of Woodturners GB along with this club. Through them Ed was awarded a bursary to help to set up his home workshop and to improve his safety gear. He has also just been informed that he has gained a young turners scholarship for the AWGB seminar which runs from the 4th to 6th October.
The seminar will include demonstrations, other learning opportunities, food and accommodation for the whole weekend. His school have been very supportive and have allowed him to be educated off site for the Friday session. https://awgbwoodturningseminar.co.uk/
Ed is a creative turner and enjoys experimenting with different wood types, burnishing, exploring interesting shapes and trying different finishes.
He's come a long way with the help and support from members of the club and professional visitors every Saturday morning. We are looking forward to watching him develop his skills over the next year.
The AWGB award bursaries for many turners, not just young turners. This also applies to applications for seminar scholarships. All of the forms are available on their website and they are very helpful answering any questions.